Hi! 👋

I’m an engineer and PhD candidate at Imperial College London. I develop methods for remote patient monitoring at the Departments of Computing, and Electrical & Electronic Engineering; I’m also affiliated with the UK Dementia Research Institute.

My research lies at the intersection of tinyML (i.e. machine learning + embedded systems), signal processing, and medicine. I work with IoT devices, wearables, cameras, and motion capture systems. In a nutshell, I’m interested in how we can train and deploy efficient machine learning systems with: ↓ cost + ↓ power + ↓ latency + ↑ privacy. My work is particularly relevant to people living with dementia and movement disorders.

Before Imperial, I received my bachelor’s degree in developmental biology, regeneration, and stem cells, and my medical degree at the University of Edinburgh.

💡 Outside of work, I maintain a wide range of interests at the intersection of bio/med and engineering. These include: astrobiology, brain-computer interfaces, computational (synthetic) biology, medical robotics, and mixed reality (AR/VR). If you’d like to collaborate on an idea, get in touch ↓

☕ I love meeting people in real life. If you’re in London (UK), and want to discuss any of the above, let’s grab coffee! Use the widget at the bottom-right of this page to schedule time with me. If you’d like to meet somewhere else, use the contact form linked below with “meet” in the subject field ↓